
Polyurethane for resin floor


Table of Contents

History of Polyurethane

Polyurethanes were invented in 1930s by Professor Dr. Otto Bayer and his coworker in Germany. Early work focused on the production of fibers and flexible foams and PUs were applied on a limited scale as aircraft coating, during World War II they were used vastly for the first time, as replacement for rubber they are used in many different products. During the war the applications developed involving coating of different kinds of aircraft finishes to resistant clothing.

By passing the time the usage of Polyurethanes expand to adhesives, elastomers and rigid and flexible foams. Nowadays we can see many further development of polyurethanes as far as our daily life is surrounded by polyurethane in any aspect. You probably own several items that contain polyurethane right now. That’s because polyurethane is one of the most diverse forms of synthetic resin available on the market, and it’s used in thousands of household and commercial products world-wide.

What is polyurethane resin?

Polyurethane is made from raw materials that are derived from crude oil. Polyurethane often abbreviated PUR and PU refers to a class of polymers composed of organic units joined by carbamate (urethane) links.

In general, the casting resin consists of a two-component system of resin and hardener, which hardens after mixing through a chemical reaction. Polyurethane casting resins can, just like epoxy resin and PMMA resin, be combined with various additives as well as filling materials or colorants.

One of the significant characteristic of polyurethane is that they can be produced from a wide range of basic materials with different chemical structures leading to different applications. In fact polyurethane is produced by reacting an isocyanate or various catalysts or additives with a polyol. In fact, this reaction occurs between an isocyanate group and an active hydrogen compound, resulting in a viscous and plastic type of material. However, polyurethane is not a rubber at all, but a type of plastic that can be rigid, flexible, or something in between. Isocyanate groups are highly reactive, and for this reason their reaction progress does not require an increase in temperature (the reaction takes place at ambient temperature).

Unlike other potential synthetic compounds. Most polyurethanes do not melt due to heat and are classified as thermoset polymers This heat resistance makes them the perfect solution to elements that can emit large amounts of energy (like a car or refrigerator) without worrying about melting or overheating However, certain types of polyurethanes have thermoplastic properties that can be melted and remolded under applied heat. Join us thorough this article as we discuss polyurethane floor finish keep reading for more information.

What are the advantages of using polyurethane?

Among the other resin flooring materials applying polyurethane coating is the best way to protect your bulling from abrasion, extend its life, give your home a unique appearance, save energy consumption etc. in continue you will read some advantages of polyurethane floor finish.

Abrasion Resistance

Polyurethane among other form of elastomers, even metals and plastics are the perfect choice because of its strong abrasion resistant ability even at low temperatures they are resistant to wear and all processes caused by high friction, and they do not peel in any way.

Oil, Grease and Water Resistance

Being impermeable is one of the significant Polyurethane characteristic that provide a high level of stability in oil, water and grease etc.

Improved Durability and Energy Saving

Polyurethane coating works as an isolation for surfaces and improve durability and energy saving, so if you’re looking for a material to extend the life of your building polyurethane floor finish is a perfect choice.

Wide Range of Hardness

Due to its molecular structure polyurethane can manufacture in different range of hardness between 20 SHORE A to 85 SHORE D.

Color Range

Color evokes emotion, creates the right perception and creates a style that suits you. Different range of pigment can be added to polyurethane during manufacturing processes. So we can have a wide range of colors. Colors play a leading role in this. Polyurethane paint can withstand a wide range of temperature changes, so that in industrial areas and centers, this range can fluctuate between 30 degrees below zero and up to 110 degrees above zero.


The floor forms the foundation for your personal work and living environment. Applying Polyurethane coating creates unity seamless floor, Polyurethane paint creates a very glossy surface after application, which cannot be affected by the passing of time. you can give every interior and every space an atmosphere that simultaneously feels good and looking luxurious.

X-ray resistant

They have a unique durability against ultraviolet rays and somehow they can maintain their structure in areas with high environmental stress caused by climate changes and fluctuation of temperature.

Chemical substances resident

In terms of contact with chemical substances that have mild corrosive properties and eventually cause the destruction of the paint structure, they are completely resistant and do not have any reaction with some solvent substances.

Recoating easily

If recoating is needed it can be recoated after the surface is fully prepared. However, they don’t need to remove the primary layers or perform a wide and deep sanding process.


What type of polyurethane is best for floors?

The main and final part of your home is its surface so how it looks is very important as well as its protection especially on wood floors. Polyurethane coating is a water-resistant layer applied to protect wood flooring in addition gives the floor a beautiful shine. Water-based polyurethane floor finish is the best polyurethane for hardwood floors. High quality water-based products especially the newest brand we use is as durable as oil and easier to apply. In this article the main factors of each form will be mentioned, by end you will decide which form is best for your desires.

Polyurethane finish, a liquid plastic generally used in flooring, is available in either an oil-based form or a water-based form.

  • Oil-based form polyurethane
  • Water-based form polyurethane

Water- Based vs. Oil- Based

The most important difference between the two from an aesthetic standpoint is color. Oil-based polyurethane uses various petroleum and mineral solvent while Water-based polyurethane finishes base is water rather than solvents. Oil based polyurethane has a yellow tint while water-based Polyurethane is clear and will remain clear overtime.

Oil-based polyurethane coatings provide excellent abrasion and scratch resistance. Polyurethane for wood floors with oil-based color would be a good choice, in addition for any wood surface items like as cabinets, or countertops etc. which durability is critical. Oil-based polyurethane dries slowly depending on the room condition the one coat takes 2 hours to get dry. Oil-based polyurethane requires patience and time for the best results especially it has an unpleasant odor we recommend you do it when the house it vacant.

In contrast water-based polyurethane dry quickly, more coats can be applied in less time. Water-based polyurethane has less odor than oil-based and clean very easily. In summary oil-based and water-based pros and cons will be mentioned as below:

Oil-based pros

  • High resistance against scratching
  • Hard shell
  • Self-leveling
  • Fewer repetition for coating 3 coats is enough
  • Yellowish, golden  hue
  • More shine in desire
  • Easy to application

Oil-based Cons

  • Unpleasant odor during application till fully dry
  • Long curing time 5 days is required for furnishing the house
  • Cleaning is harder that water-based

Water-based pros

  • Less unpleasant odor
  • Easy clearing
  • Flexible finish
  • Doesn’t change the wood flooring color
  • Short curing time 72 hours for furnishing the house

Water-based Cons

  • Less durable against scratches
  • More repetition for a hard shell for 3 coats for high quality products 4-5 coats for low quality products
  • Its transparently makes the application hard
  • Hard to apply you need to be experienced to do it correctly  because it  dries quickly and can leave bubbles and overlapping lines

How to apply polyurethane for wood floors?

If your floor is covered by wood so you should know how to protect it, because it can get damaged easily. Polyurethane among its other alternative materials is a perfect choice to protect your hardwood from scratches, cricking and other damages. So it’s important to apply polyurethane to floor correctly otherwise your efforts will be useless and you will face to more cost to recoat it. But if you still insist on doing it on yourself, follow the below steps or watch the video to see the steps of process:

  • Choose the correct Type of Polyurethane according to your desire and your floor condition
  • Make Sure Your area is vacant and have a well-ventilated situation
  • Prepare the Floor by Sanding patiently to have a smooth surface
  • Clean your floor by a vacuum cleaner to have a beautiful topcoat
  • Wipe Down the Surface by Mineral Spirits with a proper cloth
  • Mix Your Polyurethane to achieve a durable coating you can follow the manufacturer structure
  • Apply the first coat Polyurethane a very thin and light coat using a brush
  • Apply the Second and Third coat after the first coat dry well
  • Rub the surface with a piece of coarse sandpaper or steel wool to create an even and smother finish
  • Recoat the Finish and Let it Dry for 24 Hours
  • Clean the floor

That’s it just follow this guide to do the job perfectly, however it seems simple but we strongly advise you to leave this work to the professionals, to avoid any possible lost in cost and energy and time. Simply call us for more guild our expert team will be delighted to welcome you.

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